Friday, October 3, 2008

*^*^~ OuTiNg @ 1u WiTh FwEnZ ~^*^*

3/10/08 Friday. Andrew, Chris, Wei Nick and I went to 1U to watch the new movie "Eagle Eye". I picked them up at around 10.45am, and proceeded to 1U. We booked the 11.30 show, and since we had some time, we went to look for a present for Tee Jing Huey (classmate) since it was her birthday that day.

Look at all the colourful things in that shop. =O

Those are fake bread if you were wondering.

Yakitate Malaysia? LOL!

Mushrooms, reminds me of Maple Story.

Nick buying bread at Roti Boy.

After the highly thrilled and suspense movie, we went to U-Bowl at the new wing. This is what we did on the way...

Yeah, its the same building in my previous post. From left, Nick, Andrew and I.

Wtf. Andrew hitting b@llz.

And of course, we had fun bowling away~

Looking at Chris go~

Chris picking his b@ll.

He's doing a better Colgate advertisement than I am!!!

What's he staring at o.o

Later, we went to McDonalds for some lunch, and went to walk around as well as buying the present for Jing Huey. I also bought a present for Rachel for her upcoming birthday =P

Eating lunch at McDonalds.

He likes that doll...

Cool swords!

Going swimming eh Chris?


Mini keris!

Presenting... Hang Tuah and Heng Jebat...

Lolzz. After that we went home to test the free online game CD we got from a game shop XDD!!!


minyi said...

booo sama sherman ~!!!!!!!

shockFX said...

wa~~wei nick o.........
congrats to nick lol = =
1st "定情信物" hor??...haha
hope u all hav a nice day ^^