Friday, March 27, 2009

Study Group - SimpleZ

Me and my friends started to get a little more serious on the studying side, so Karhoong decided to form a study group and hold a meeting once or more every week and touch up on our studies. After some very long and unecessary considerations, we came up with the group name - SimpleZ. Yes, not really overrated, but still, its simple.

The group is still recruiting classmates, and there will definitely be someone who has his or her strongest subject. That person will be the "tutor" and guide the weaker ones into understanding the subject more.

Currently, our group members are :
Kar Hoong
Wei Nick
Wai Yap
Zhen Yu
Meng Wai
Wei Chun
Kian Huat

We will be taking 10 subjects for SPM, and the "tutor" for these subjects are as follows.

Chinese - The Dynasty Guider, this will either be Kar Hoong or Kian Huat.
Melayu - As of now, no one can still be the Pahlawan for 5L xD
English - Sage of Words, its obvious who is leading this post...
Maths - The Brain Stormer, most of us are good at maths, but Wei Chun should be taking this one.
Add. maths - Advanced Brain Stormer, this post will definitely be Kar Hoong's.
Biology - Guardian of Life, Wei Nick and I will be holding this post.
Chemistry - Core Alchemist, I'm still not sure who will hold this position.
Physics - The Lord of Principles, I think Kar Hoong/Kian Huat/Wei Nick are fit for this post.
History - Ancient Bringer, surprisingly, Wei Nick volunteered for this post.
Morale - Morale Guardian, I think we can all memorize the nilai-nilai by ourselves...

I hope this study group can be successful, and help us all achieve our dreams? Yes of course... Signing off now~

Guardian of Life
Sherman Tan