Thursday, March 5, 2009

Awesomeness Day

Today we had the BM singing competition, and quite a big number of classes showed up. My class was the last class to go up on stage. Starting from class 3S, we watched each classes's performance. Our biggest competitor was of course 5E who was just next door. Their performance was quite good, but I was confident we could do better. And seriously, I had to bring the mic in front of me cuz most of the guys never memorized the lyrics properly so I had to cover them ==

Anyway, 4 classes got to the finals, they are : 4K, 5S, 5E and 5L.

And what was more, 5E sort of accused us for copying them, cuz there were 2 songs that were the same. Anyway there's a little arguement between the 2 classes... Its just a singing competition.

好听的话,就是 peer competition.
难听的话,就是 plagiarism and jealousy.

From a positive side, it could be counted as competitive spirit that keeps us going. On the contrary, it could also be a negative sign, meaning copycat. Whatever the case, we shall find out in the finals tomorrow.


Nee said...

yeah. competition's like this ar stupid. creating conflicts between classes only. cause every one wants to WIN! dumb!