We were told to meet at school during the same school time. So as usual, I reached school at around 6.45am. Who knew, En. Azlan came late ==. The camp was held at Taman Wetland in Putrajaya. I had to say, we never really got wet at all ~.~ Well, only once during the lake crossing event where we had to cross a lake.
Here is En. Azlan sending us to the camp.
Left to right, Wei Shi and Siow Wei.
Traffic Jam lah...
We were the earliest to reach the camp site...
Practicing bandaging. Thanks to Zhao Ying and Wan Yee for teaching us =D
When we reached the campsite, it was deserted. Seems like we were the earliest, so we took the chance to practice our bandaging and rope tie skills. At around 10+am (I kinda forgot), NINE BUSES came rushing in with all the participants. I was told that there was 300 total (WTF!?). Among the 300, only 20 were non muslims... I wanna die liao. Anyway, the day started with lunch. Later, we were lead through the camp site to choose a suitable place to set up our tent. I shared mine with 3 other schoolkids from SMK Chong Hwa. Next to our camp were 4 kids from SMK Jinjang. Later that day we had a physical test. We had to run 2.4km to a checkpoint, collect a piece of paper, and run back within 15 mins time. Its a compulsory to pass this test. I managed to pass it. Later that night we had a really stupid exam. 60 objective questions, mostly based on common knowledge, so common that even standard 1 kids can answer some =.= Seriously. Later, the muslims had to hafal some Al Hafaz Quran or something I dunno blabla while non muslims need to give a pengucapan awam on moral topics. It wasn't that bad, since you talk face to face with the teacher only =D I got 8/10 woohooo! Later that night when we slept in our tent, it was VERY stuffy. But then it rained heavily, and the tent became very nice and cooling. End of day 1.
Day 2
I woke up at 5am. Took my clothes and morning wash stuff and headed to the bathroom. Seems like I was early, since only a few people got up this time to wash themselves up. I was still quite tired, and I totally snapped out of my sleepy state when I stepped into the icy cold shower without testing the water first... My mistake =.= At around 5.30 the muslims were already awake for their prayers. The non muslims just waited outside the hall. We busied ourselves by talking about the cmoing activities. Later, we had a warm up. What warm up you ask? THE ALL SO HORRIBLE POCO POCO WTFWTFWTF!!!! I THOUGHT I'D NEVER HEAR THAT STUPID SONG EVERY AGAIN BUT I DID! Whatever, I just tried to resist it till the end of the session ~.~ After that, my group needed to go throuh a marching exam. I kinda sucked, the commands they give were all different, plus, there are commands that I never even heard of. Luckily, the teacher wasn't quite strict and let me pass =DD. Later we had rope tying and bandaging, as well as using a compass. Quite boring ctually. Even worse, we were told to take some natural stuff and make it into an item to 'promote'. I totally flunked this one, but I somehow managed to trick the teacher into signing that I passed LOL. The next one, we had to come up with a POEM about NATURE. I wanna screw whoever made this camp == Passed anyway. Later, one by one, we needed to answer 6 questions on tents and gadgets, which was pretty easy.
And then, my favourite activity on the entire camp - LAKE CROSSING. At the dock, there was a long rope attached to a small island in the middle of the lake. Another rope from the island attached back to another part of the mainland. When it was my turn, I jumped in the water and began pulling myself towards the island. Its very fun, and I felt fishes swim past my body. I was actually moving quite fast and pulled ahead of the others. While I was far ahead, I decided to test the deepness of the water. With the life jacket and hanging on the rope, I tried to push my legs down - couldn't feel land. So I submerged my head, still nothing. Next, I completely stretched my hands and my whole body went underwater BUT I STILL CAN'T FEEL THE GROUND. It must be more than 2 metres deep. However I continued to cross until the end. Very fun =DD. And then we went back to the campsite through the 30 mins walk of the same track we took to came here =.= Whatever, we headed for the showers and went for dinner. That night was malam kebudayaan, and what did they ask us to do? SING LAGU KRS!!! I wanted to burst out lauging. It was pretty darn easy ~.~ The night ended pretty quickly and we were soon sleeping in our tents.
Day 3
I woke up 4.50am, eager to get home =D. Headed for showers, changed, and got ready for breakfast. Warmed up with the same stupid dance. I actually quite forgotten what happened that morning, we packed our tents and then it was the majlis penutupan already. We got our certificates, and soon we were on our way home~ I was pretty glad to see my laptop once more lol. If I had one wish, it was to do that lake crossing again... XD
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