Sunday, September 28, 2008

~*~*A hApPy SuNdAy*~*~

Its another Sunday, family day as usual. My family and I went to Ikea. I find Ikea somewhat boring sometimes, so my bro and I went to Ikano's Pet Safari since we haven't been there for a looong time. Now its the time to tets my new phone's camera XD. Here are some animals we saw there. A black fish, looks like a shark o.o A bunch of furry kewt hamsters. AHHH!!! A LARGE FURRY SPIDER DOLL!!! HELP!!! Iguana with lipstick?! Omfg.... "What? Never seen a snake before?" Trying to escape eh? This one is a huge iguana. Mata mata frog - a very rare species of frog with very good camoflauge. Colourful goldfishes. BUG EYED FREAK FISHES!!! Can I eat them? Pweaseee..... XDD If its not an eel and its not a fish, what is it?? o.o ITS A SHRIMP IN A TOMATO COSTUME! WTF! Lionfish, king of the fishes? o.o HELP!!! ITS SUCKING MY FINGER!!!

After that we went home and I began to blog all this XDD. My keyboard teacher came at around 5pm and the three of us (me and my bros) took turns to play the organ. My fingers suddenly became clumsy today, probably cuz I didn't have enough practice. Anyway I like guitar better than organ! =P

Later that my family and I (excluding my mom) went for a walk around the neighbourhood.

Nice car eh?

The leaves aren't orange, its the streetlight that makes them look orange.

Who's swing is it? Ahh who cares lol.

I guess that's all for today. Signing off now~