Friday, September 4, 2009

Exam Turnover - The Counter Attack of the Teachers

This is so funny I had to blog about it.

Eveyrone knows that whenever the exam is set by the kerajaan, there's bound to be a leak somewhere somehow. So we actually knew the question for Chemistry Paper 3 before it already started. Everyone was happily reading away...

When the exam started, we immediately turned to the last page and our happiness peaked instantly. However, it dropped down almost instantly after that when the teacher gave another question LOL. It was to replace the 2nd question. Apparently the teachers were aware of the leak and managed to pull one last resort in an attempt to annihilate our chances of scoring better marks xD

I could've sworn that the entire Form 5 taking Chemistry sorta screamed at the same time altogether. I hate empirical formulas.

And presenting, the best experimental procedure by Ngoi Shi Li:

1. Heat the chemical.
2. Hear a pop sound.
3. Your face will turn black.
4. Haha



cheeRs sUe♥♥ said...

wahahaha XD
sherman tan XDXDXD
38 wesley
i miss d tyme v laughed

Sherman Tan said...

Wait exam over lo.. haha.