Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!

I hope you all had a safe trip back to your hometowns, kampungs, whatever you call it. And also an early Happy Valentines to all those lovey doveys out there :)

I'm in Segamat, Johor right now. I reached here yesterday. Thank god there's a wireless modem here, but the router seems a bit buggy, and I had to use a direct line to go online.

Every morning (except on the first day of CNY), our family will go to the mamak stall near the house for a good meal of Thosai cheese and roti pisang. I had 2 roti pisang and half a thosai cheese today, absolutely delicious. Every year back its always this stall that we go to. Beh tahan, too good liao.

Once again, Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentines to everyone! :)